Muggers' Rights by Dick Conklin Let me make one thing perfectly clear. I am personally opposed to the wave of muggings sweeping the country, and I'd never participate in such an act. But I have no right to impose my morality on others. Rather, the mugger should have the right to choose. The decision is a personal one, and should be protected from governmental intervention. This country was founded on the right to privacy and freedom of choice. Beware of fanatical victims rights groups, who use emotion to dramatize their anti-choice position. Many of these people attend churches which also hold anti-mugging views. That makes this a religious issue, protected by the constitutional separation of church and state. Making mugging illegal certainly won't stop all of the incidents. It will only make criminals out of the muggers and drive it underground. Therefore the only alternative is legalization. That's why I support unrestricted mugging on demand. After all, you can't legislate morality. We must vote for progressive, pro-choice politicians who support permissive mugging laws. Legalized mugging is safe and efficient, performed out in the open under ideal conditions. How could we ever return to the days of "back alley" muggings?